Wild cat

WILD CAT The lonely hunter Scientific name:  (Felis silvestris) The wild cat resembles the domestic cat, but is more robust, stout, bigger and hairy, it's also has the widest head and the spiky ears. The most distinctive feature is its tail, much shorter, thick and hairy than that of the domestic cats, with 2 to ... Read More...


THE GENET Scientific name : (Genetta genetta) The genet has a very long tail that gives it stability and makes a very agile animal with a skill for the exceptional climbing. It is a night predator of small rodents and birds. They have 1 part to the year of what 2 or 3 ... Read More...

The otter

THE OTTER  SWIMMER OF COMBAT Scientific name: (Lutra lutra) Even though its ancestors lived exclusively on mainland, the otter is perfectly adapted to the aquatic life. The four palmate legs and the undulations of the its theirlong body they propel them under the water besides 15 kilometers per time, where it captures fish and crustaceans thanks toitstheir vivacity ... Read More...

The Lynx

THE LINX A hunter on the prowl, discreet, patient and attentive Scientific name : (Lynx linx) The lynx is the largest feline in Europe. Quiet is a super predator that besieges our forests. The lynx is a territorial animal and sedentary. Wise, lives a quiet and hidden, twilight and night. Outside the mating season, ... Read More...